About Us
Except it’s not about us – it’s about you. Are you looking for media marketing solutions but afraid of choosing hype over substance and wasting precious marketing dollars? Trying to find an experienced strategic media marketing partner to deliver innovative digital and traditional media buying solutions in plain English without a bunch of media acronyms? Looking for solutions that deliver measurable results? If this is you, then you’re in the right place.

Value Proposition: Media Neutral
Capstone Media believes that the audience is the starting point for every media buy. Matching target research to the proper media mix is the end goal of every media program.

Measurable Results
Every media program is measured and optimized continuously to deliver effective media solutions that drive awareness, web traffic, inquiry and ultimately increase sales.

We Are Media Professionals
Capstone Media programs run across all platforms – Digital (Desktop, Mobile & Tablet) and Traditional Media. Our expertly trained and media-savvy buyers will stretch your marketing budget.
Media Neutral
Matching target research to the proper media mix is the end goal of every media program.
Understanding Your Target Market
We know message recipient's media buying habits and response triggers.
Research Services
Multiple research providers allow us to share insights on your customers' marketing focus.
Real-Time Costs Per Market
By subscribing to resources, we match negotiations with the actual costs to get the best deals.
Our Processes
From ordering to online media measurement, we economize the process and eliminate waste.
Our Reputation
Known as ''tough but fair,'' media companies know we negotiate hard for clients and pay them in a timely manner.
Negotiating Skills
With 90+ years of negotiation, we squeeze ''media blood'' out of every dollar and keep asking for more.
Our national connections help us keep current with service offerings and the latest training opportunities.
Business Model for Invoice Approvals
Media placement credits are remitted to clients and purchases are always available for client audit.